• To maintain this publication as the predominant and affordable general reference authority on environmental and land use law in Florida.
• To provide an educational written forum for Florida’s experts and specialists on environmental and land use law topics.
• To develop procedures for periodic review, revision and updating of the publication.
• To promote face-to-face educational forums on timely issues addressed in the Treatise.
• To interact with the publisher of the Treatise and define a written process for article submission, editing, publication and updating.
Editorial Subcommittee
Goal: to develop and implement a written process for selecting and evaluating editors.
• Define roles of editors.
• Create a term for each editor.
• Create a means to solicit new editors.
• Create a way to evaluate performance of each editor.
• Integrate student and other affiliates and past chairs into subcommittee functions.
Authorship Subcommittee
Goal: to develop and implement a written process for selecting and evaluating authors.
• Define roles of authors.
• Create a means to solicit new authors.
• Create a way to evaluate performance of each author.
• Integrate student and other affiliates and past chairs into subcommittee functions.
• Evaluate overall content and organization of the Treatise and chapters and suggest re-organization, as needed.
• Coordinate content and authorship with the journal.
Marketing Subcommittee
Goal: to enhance sales and distribution of the Treatise, to evaluate alternate means of distribution (such as on-line), and to promote the content and authorship of the Treatise.
• Explore law firm and law school involvement.