Malcolm Means, Esq.
Neysa Borkert, Esq.
Vice Chair
To oversee the planning, execution, and promotion of the Section’s various social functions and events.
1. Plan and coordinate Section’s event calendar for current and upcoming fiscal year (including calendar dates, locations, event types, external sponsorship opportunities, special guests, and costs and registration rates).
2. Actively promote planned Section events on website and social media platforms well in advance of event dates.
3. Complete periodic reviews of the Section website to ensure content and Committee information is accurate and up to date.
4. Prepare status reports following Committee meetings and calls for presentation at all ELULS Executive Council Meetings.
5. Operate within budgetary parameters to ensure appropriate Section expenditures related to the Section’s events and functions. 6. Evaluate and identify new Committee goals or revisions to Committee goals through periodic review.
1. Successfully plan, execute, and promote various social events and special functions in a timely and organized manner.
2. Organize and plan special events, retreats, and functions related to appropriate Section milestones (i.e. 50th Anniversary, decade mile markers, special recognition events, etc.)
3. Adopt a standard 3-5 year event calendar for budget planning purposes.
4. Plan and execute 4 live events per fiscal year, not including the Section’s annual retreat and any special celebrations.
5. Plan and execute 4 virtual events per fiscal year.
6. Poll membership to garner feedback on ELULS networking and special events.