Updated 4/12/2016
To educate and inform ELULS numbers of recent developments in environmental and land use law.
Each edition of the Reporter will typically contain the following pieces:
- Chair’s Column
- Feature Article (or 2)
- Water Management District Updates (one for each District)
- Case Law Update
- On Appeal Column
- Calendar of upcoming Section events (CLEs, Council meetings, etc.)
- Summary of recent CLE programs
- Updates from each ELULS Committee Chair
- Public Interest
- Affiliate Membership
- Treatise
- ABA Liaison
- Journal
- Membership
- Legislative
- Ethics
- Access to Justice
- Internet Committee
- Council of Sections
The Reporter is expected to be published quarterly. The incoming editors should establish submittal deadlines at the Annual Meeting.
- Coordinate between the 2 editors.
- Establish authors for the various articles/pieces.
- Develop ideas for each edition’s feature article(s) and get commitment from authors.
- Inform (and remind) authors of the upcoming submittal deadlines.
- Obtain and edit articles.
- Forward by e-mail all articles to the Section Administrator for typesetting in Microsoft Word format.
- Review “galleys” draft and forward any edits to the Section Administrator.
- Bask in glory of publishing another successful edition.