Membership in the Environmental and Land Use Law Section (ELULS) comes with many benefits, including:
- ELULS TREATISE ACCESS. Section membership will grant you access to the password protected ELULS Treatise, containing peer-reviewed articles on many environmental and land use law topics. The Treatise is an excellent secondary research source, and faculty and student access can enhance otherwise available class materials.
- REDUCED RATES ON CLE SEMINARS AND WEBINARS. ELULS members enjoy discounted rates on Environmental and Land Use Law Section CLE live courses and aftermarket products.
- ENHANCED NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES. Enjoy networking with fellow lawyers whose practice involves environmental and land use law issues as well as affiliate members including environmental and planning consultants, state agency staff, local government staff, law professors, students, and legal assistants.
Section membership and its benefits are available to both attorneys and affiliates (faculty, students, and environmental and land use professionals). To get a sense of the breadth of law addressed with the ELULS, check out our membership brochure, as well as our Section newsletter, The Reporter. Attorneys renewing their annual Florida Bar membership can choose ELULS from the list of available Section memberships at that time. However, new and renewing attorneys and affiliates can join the ELULS at any time during the year by completing and submitting a membership application.
To become more involved, contact a member of our Executive Council or the Chair of a Committee that appeals to you.
Our Members
Members of the Section (via Florida Bar)