Malcolm Means, Esq.
Steve Conteaguero, Esq.
To provide meaningful benefits for ELULS members. This Committee actively promotes and seeks to increase diverse Section membership through coordinated efforts with the Outreach and Membership’s Subcommittees.
1. Actively promote Section membership through various initiatives including, but not limited to, appearing at law school events, organizing regional networking events, promoting sponsorship opportunities, and appearing as a presence at Section events and activities.
2. Strategize and promote initiatives to increase Section membership among ELUL practitioners, affiliates, young lawyers, and law students.
3. Actively engage current Section members through evaluating, enhancing, and promoting the member benefits package periodically.
4. Actively engage a diverse spectrum of current members by identifying and sharing opportunities for membership participation in upcoming events, meetings, and seminars (both as attendees and potential speakers).
5. Actively promote diversity in membership and identify ways to ensure our membership is accessible to a diverse field of practitioners.
6. Develop, maintain, and update membership brochure and application materials (Membership Exhibit A).
7. Conduct periodic surveys of membership to gauge Section successes and shortcomings and publish results.
8. Update Section leadership directory and website pages at the start of each fiscal year and as needed throughout the year to ensure information is accurate.
9. Complete periodic reviews of the Section website to ensure content and Committee information is accurate and up to date.
10. Prepare status reports following Committee meetings and calls for presentation at all ELULS Executive Council Meetings.
11. Operate within budgetary parameters to ensure appropriate Section income and expenditures related to the Section membership initiatives.
12. Evaluate and identify new Committee goals or revisions to Committee goals through periodic review.
1. Retain current membership while adding new members toward enhancing diversity in practice and experience and continually increasing membership numbers.
2. Continually promote membership diversity and identify checks and balances to ensure our membership is and continues to remain diverse.
3. Track and organize long-term membership trends.