Erin Deady, Esq.
Susan Martin, Esq.
To assist in elevating the discussion of resiliency among the practice areas within the ELULS.
1. Act as a resource for other resiliency-related initiatives, policy development, rulemakings, legislative actions, committees and other initiatives.
2. Coordinate with the City, County and Local Government and other Sections as needed.
3. Facilitate and draft quality articles for the Section’s column of The Florida Bar Journal as feasible per year (at least 1 each year).
4. Actively seek qualified potential authors and articles for the Section Reporter to ensure the Committee maintains a regular presence in the publication (1 article, column or short note per issue).
5. Participate in CLE Committee and develop content for CLE programs as needed.
6. Add resiliency content to the Environmental Land Use Law Treatise.
7. Prepare status reports following Committee meetings and calls for presentation at all ELULS Executive Council Meetings.
8. Evaluate and identify new Committee goals or revisions to Committee goals through periodic review.
1. Ensure the Section includes resiliency as an important issue to public, private and other practitioners in the ELULS.
2. Ensure content is included in every Section Reporter highlighting the subject matter across the field of environmental and land use law and its subfields.
3. Publish at least one article related to resiliency each year in the Florida Bar Journal.
4. Create the first resiliency section of the Treatise in 2021 and periodically update.
5. Successfully plan and execute a resiliency CLE series and continued programming going forward.