Jaclyn Lopez, Esq.
To oversee the publication, content, and quality of new and updated articles of the ELULS Treatise.
- Evaluate the overall content and organization of the Treatise annually, reviewing odd- numbered chapters on odd-numbered years, and even-numbered chapters on even- numbered years.
- Issue a call to authors to ELULS members within a month following the closure of the Florida legislative session for new articles and article updates.
- Oversee the selection and performance review of new and current Treatise authors.
- Complete periodic review of the Section website to ensure content and Committee
information is accurate and up to date. - Issue an announcement, i.e. via website, social media, or email, whenever an article is
published. - Prepare status reports for ELULS Executive Council meetings and as needed.
- Operate within budgetary parameters to ensure appropriate Section income and
expenditures related to the Section’s Treatise. - Evaluate and identify new Committee goals or revisions to Committee goals every August (or within a month of the annual ELULS meeting)
- Maintain the ELULS Treatise as the predominant and affordable general reference authority on environmental and land use law in Florida.
- Develop and implement a written process for selecting and evaluating Treatise editors
including, but no limited to, defining roles of editors, recruiting editors, and supervising editors. - Develop and implement a written process or selecting and evaluating Treatise authors
including, but not limited to, defining roles of authors, recruiting authors, and establishing
deadlines. - Develop and implement a written process for soliciting content updates to articles from authors.
- Identify alternate means of promotion and distribution of the Treatise to promote the
content and authorship, including exploring law firm and law school involvement. - Establish publication of the Treatise on legal research platforms such as Westlaw and
LexisNexis and develop and implement a written process for updating Treatise content on such platforms. - Establish and enforce a schedule for publishing articles, including a timeframe for review.
- Establish and disseminate article guidelines regarding content and format.