Presented by The Florida Bar CLE Committee and the
Environmental and Land Use Law Section
(part of the ELULS 2020-2021 Audio Webcast Series) |

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2020 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (EST) |
Neysa Borkert of Garganese Weiss D’Agresta & Salzman, P.A. and Terrill C. Pyburn, City Attorney of the City of Coconut Creek, will discuss local, state, and federal laws and zoning regulations pertaining to sober homes/recovery residences in the first audio webcast of the Environmental and Land Use Law Section’s 20-21 CLE season. Specifically, they will focus on ADA and FHA requirements and will provide an overview of one Florida city’s path to adopting an ordinance establishing zoning regulations for recovery residences. |